Flip Flops

Ok, I have a flip flop addiction. I love them. See these babies? They are the newest addition to my collection. Because i am going to the beach this weekend, I thought I needed a new pair (ok ok, I wanted a new pair). I also want a new pair everytime we go to the beach (which as of right now will be at least 6 times over the summer) so that's 6 new pairs of flip flops for me to choose between. I picked these up yesterday at Walmart. They aren't really fancy, but I thought the beading on them was cute, and since I haven't bought a pair of flip flops in oh, maybe 2 weeks or so (I had already bought a pair for this beach trip) I HAD to have them. It's ok, I know I have an addiction......does anyone know the number to flip flops anonymous?
oh, and thanks dashababy and Kami for the comments.......I really appreciate them!
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