Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday Feast

And just because I am in a game playing, game stealing kinda mood today (and since I left my USB port at home so I couldn't play SPF, sorry Kristine), here is yet another stolen game.

I "borrowed" this one from Jules over at Everyday Mommy, another great Blogging Chick....

And now.......ladies and gentelmen (drumroll please) I present to you........FRIDAY FEAST!

Appetizer: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? That would be Turtle Tracks by the great Mr. Mayfield.

Soup: What are three things you would like to put in a time capsule? The ladybugs Christening gown, because it was handmade by her Nana; today's newspaper, just so everyone would know what was going on in the world in 2006, whenever it is they open it; and finally, a cell phone that is of the highest technology available today, so when this time capsule is opened people will see how ancient it is....

Salad: Name something you are 100% sure of: That Jesus will be back. He will come back to get his children, we just don't know when, so we have to be ready.

Main Course: What is something you do to calm yourself when you're stressed or upset? Does taking a Xanex count?

Dessert: If you could receive an invitation to any important event, what would you like it to be? Either the Presidential Inaguration or the Oscars. Yeah, that's 2 events I know.

Let me know if you feasted!


Blogger eph2810 said...

I can't wait for His return. Looking forward meeting a lot of on-line people face-to-face. :)
Thanks for stopping by My Lighter Side.

5/12/2006 9:37 PM  

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