Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday Madness

Just because I can play yet another game (hey, it keeps me from having to think of a great post on my own, and because it's Monday and my brain ain't working...this is what you get)

"Borrowed" this one from The Kid Zoo, another one of the great blogging chicks! Here it is...Monday Madness......

Fill in the blanks:

If I could change ONE thing from this past weekend, it would be____________.
Not a thing. I had a great mother's day weekend with my family.

One of my favorite recipes includes____________. Poppyseed chicken casserolle. A favorite at Manic Mommie's house.

If things don't go as originally planned, I tend to__________. Unfortunatly, get aggitated. I'm such a "planner" that when things break off that track, I get upset. As a mom though, I'm working on this because nothing EVER goes according to plan with a 3 year old!

My daily routine is very__________. Much the same Monday thru Friday. I tend to not have a routine on the weekends....

The one television show I will probably miss, since the season is coming to an end is________. Grey's Anatomy. I think I may suffer some symptoms. Paging Dr. McDreamy to my rescue!

I have a calendar hanging / sitting on my_________. desk, but it's a day planner and I take it everywhere with me. If something is supposed to take place and I am expected to be in attendance, make sure you see me write it on that calender...if I don't, then it doesn't exist!

I'm really ____ about changing the calender when the day / month changes. Anal. I cross off each day once it's done.

Go to to let her know if you participated.....

I'll try to find some original thoughts soon, and quit stealing (or borrowing) games.

You are all tagged.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Those are great! I haven't played this game yet - I tend to do that when I am too tired to come up with something original....

5/15/2006 5:13 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I'm with you on Grey's Anatomy! I'm addicted, and will suffer this summer. lol

5/15/2006 8:17 PM  
Blogger Undercover Angel said...

This week was actually the first time I've ever done MM - I just found out about it today...

Crossing each day off on the calendar as it passes - wish I were that on the ball!

5/16/2006 12:41 AM  

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