Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday Randomness

Because I have a lot of things running around in this crazy little head of mine, today's post, well yeah, the title sums it up!

For starters, like we are all drawn to train wrecks, I find it "must see tv" to watch the Britney Spears interview tonight with
Matt Lauer. (It's on Dateline.) First I must find out what she has to say about the big ole giant piece of white trash that she has become. I'm guessing that I am not going to hear her say "that KFED is a douchebag". However, like a moth to a flame, I must see what she has to say. And secondly,'s Matt Lauer in primetime. I love Matt Lauer! I have a thing for news guys. Matt Lauer, Anderson Cooper, Sean Hannity. Love them! So, I'll watch it and I'm sure scream at her at least once during the interview. But I will not scream at my Matt! LOL.

On another note,
Greta showed me the light and said that the reason that "C" will have to take antibiotics before going to the dentist, should his heart not heal before he is 3 is because when you go to the dentist you can stir up all kinds of bacteria and grossness that can cause an infection in your heart. Who knew? Thanks Greta! Practicing without a license!

I found out last night that we are going to go to the beach in like a month. This is an unplanned trip! Woo-hoo! My sister and her boyfriend are going and they got a great deal on a townhouse so they asked us to tag along. Ya'll, 2 nights in PC Beach for $125 a couple? That is UNHEARD of! It's in a
great complex that is right across the street from the beach. They have their own clubhouse and pool and beach bar on the beach side. How awesome. And the hubster said we could go! YEAH! I love the beach! And a trip that I wasn't planning on! How lucky!

This weekend is already full and I thought that we'd be able to be lazy and just hang out. No such luck! We've got supper club Friday night (I'm looking forward to this though) and then are going to the
Biscuits (yeah, our minor league baseball team is the Biscuits...) game on Saturday night with my whole freaking in law family. I'd rather swim in a pool of scissors! Oh well, at least they have draft beer there! I had also promised the Ladybug that we would try to go see Cars this weekend. I hope that we can find time to squeeze that in on Saturday afternoon because Sunday we've got a cookout with my dad. Geez, for someone who didn't have anything to do this weekend, I sure can fill one up fast!

And finally, last night we ate dinner with my parents. It was great southern style food. Fried pork chops, fried eggplant, fried green tomatoes (are you realizing a theme here?), cream corn and great old fashioned corn bread. It was THE BEST! I'll have to go with something a little less heavy today for lunch (should I ever be hungry again) because I think my arteries need to be declogged! Thank GAWD we don't eat like that everyday!

I've also added a new link over to the side to my
scrapbook pages. This is a new blog I just started to show off my scappin! Hope ya'll like it. Don't forget to check out my 100 things too......

Happy Thursday!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm going to be so busy too!!! But just on Saturday, nothing at all on Sunday and I'm going to keep it that way (Oh whoops it's Father's Day, we are going to breakfast but that's it)!! I think you should wear your flannel robe to the event with your in-laws, and put your hair in curlers. Seriously!

A!!!! I wanna come!!!!!

6/15/2006 10:30 AM  
Blogger chesneygirl said...

I did not know Britney was on dateline! I'll have to remember to record it because that is definitely something I cannot miss!!

WOW...I'm jealous of your beach trip!! What a steal you got!

I wanna take my son to see 'Cars' SOOO bad but he's still just a little bit too young for the movies yet.

Your description of dinner last night made me hungry...and I just ate lunch!!!!

Have a fab weekend, girl!! :)

6/15/2006 1:12 PM  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Love Matt Lauer! and cornbread!!!

6/15/2006 9:27 PM  
Blogger Greta Adams said...

not only your heart but if you have things going on inside your body it will attack it and try to cause a ruckous if you

hate , hate hate britney spears...such trash!!

I love to hate her!!

6/16/2006 11:21 AM  

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