Wednesday, April 26, 2006

American Idol Update

Yeah, this is late and in not too much longer will know who got the boot, which honestly at this point could be anyone. According to it could be either the Pickler or Paris. Honestly, I think I am fed up with the Pickler and I hope it is her. Could she be anymore fake? And honey, whoever told you that your hair actually looked good last night, well they um, LIED TO YOU! Anyway....I was not a slacker this week and I actually saw all 6 performances, which is good and bad, because well, you know, some of them just weren't good.

Kat-you were in the spot of doom. Personally, I thought you did ok. The judges tore you a new one, but I didn't think it was quite as awful as they made it out to be. I mean, no you aren't Whitney Freaking Houston, but honestly, it wasn't that bad. And I loved, loved, loved the dress you had on! You glammed it up!

Elliott-Well, see he continues to grow on me. I actually liked him last night. For once it appears the judges agreed with the manic mommie. That never happens. Though I do find it strange that Paula was crying. WTF is up with this woman? DRUGS are not your friend honey. What exactly does she have in that coke cup in front of her anyway?

Kellie-GO AWAY NOW. You butchered it again. You had absolutely no feeling whatsoever behind that song, and really Unchained Melody belongs only to the Rightous Brothers. No one, not even Leann Rimes sings it as good as they do. Wasn't there a country love song you could have sang?

Taylor-Love you, Love you, Love you. Not entirely impressed with the song, but then again you seem to shine when you can shake your groovy self all over the stage, so, you know, all things considering it wasn't an awful performance. I still love you anyway. Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol!

Paris-hmm....Barbara Striesand? Do you even know who she is? Not bad though. She could also be close to leaving though.

Chris-HOLY COW! Hot man! And since I absolutely love the song he sang anyway, he was just fabulouso! What a way to end the show! God, I love him!

Paula once again appeared to be drunk or high or maybe a little of both. Nothing made the Dawg happy and Simon just well, he was just Simon. Seacrest annoyed me as usual. Can't wait to see whose gone tonight because well, I honestly don't know. It could be anyone. It's just at that point in the competition where each week they get better and better and who goes home is harder to tell. Personally, I hope its the Pickler, because well I AM TIRED OF HER!


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