Thursday, May 18, 2006


Woo-Hoo! Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol!

Ok, so my guy is in the Final Two. And he is up against the McPheebe. The one that I can't figure out why I don't like, but I just don't like. And how about their home visits last night? Did you see the crowd that the 'Ham turned out? My boys,
Rick and Bubba were on tv.....they couldn't stop talking about it this am on their daily radio show, and wow....that mall where her performed? That is one HUGE mall, but I have never seen it packed quite like that! 12,000 people or something like that, packed into that place all in support of Taylor Hicks! I could not believe how close the votes were, I just hope all the Elliott voters will realize that Taylor has basically the same style and will switch their votes over to him. On another note, do you realize that Taylor is the 3rd AI contestant to make it to the Final Two that is from Birmingham, Alabama? I guess they breed them there! Way to go Bama Guys! Gotta keep it real and cheer for the home team! Luckily for me, I've like all of them. I can't say I was as behind Bo Bice as I am Taylor and I was for Reuben, but still, 3 people from one city? That's pretty cool huh? Anyway, Taylor fans....please get out and "rock the vote" next Tuesday night......

On another note, I think the Ladybug is pooped and I can't figure out why. She had a total and complete mental melt down last night in the bathtub. She ended up in the bed and asleep by 7:45 which is about 30 minutes earlier than normal for her. Then, as is par for the course for the past week or so, she slept fitfully. We were up every hour or so with her. What is going on? I don't think she is napping as well at daycare as she should be, but since her teacher is never still there by the time I pick her up I can't ask. There are some issues going on with her daycare center, but since she is starting preschool (oh my...big girl school is just over the horizon) in the fall, I don't want to upset her too much and move her twice in a 3 month period so we are just toughing it out. Her allergies have also been up in arms lately and she is coughing and sneezing A LOT! We went to the doctor who assured me that it was just allergies and prescibed some medicine for her (Zyrtec). Since Ladybug is an only child, I need some advice. What could be going on with her? Any suggestions? Please HELP! I can't survive on the amount of sleep the hubs and I have been getting each night. Is this just a "phase"?
One more final thought, the hubs and I are going camping with my parents this weekend at our farm in East Alabama. Here's the funny part............I.DON'T.CAMP. I don't sleep on the ground. So, the sis and I have devised a plan. Her b/f is going with us as well and her and I are going to sleep in the back of the Explorer and let them take the tent. We think it is a great idea! We do this thing every year, but somehow I've managed to wrangle out of actually having to spend the night there. It's a big family fish fry event, where technically you are supposed to catch the fish from the pond, but we always end up eating catfish that my mom brought from the store. We do fish and we do drink and it's a big ol country redneck party. Yeah, I'm red. But, I.DON'T.CAMP. So, since the hubs finally convinced me to spend the night, and since the Ladybug is staying at the SIL house, we're camping. Our something like that. I'll be in the back of the car if anyone needs me.


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