Monday, July 17, 2006

I've Been Thinking

Yesterday, the Ladybug and I spent the day hanging out with my mom and dad because the hubster was gone all day playing golf with is buddies. And by all day I mean that he got up at 6:00 am and got home at 9:30 pm last night. They went to some golf course that is supposed to be "awesome" and is like 2 hours away. Seems like a hell of a long way to go play golf to me, but I'm not a golfer so what the hell do I know? And it was expensive so they played 36 holes to get their money's worth. Whatever. Since I'm leaving him with the Ladybug for the whole weekend (and missing a family reunion....) I didn't complain. We got up and went to church and then hung out at my mom's so long that we ate 2 meals with them. It was a fun day though. I haven't gotten the chance to hang with my parents that much lately because of our busy schedules so it was nice.
Anyway, on to what I've been thinking about (and yes, me thinking is scary). My mom and I were talking yesterday about the state of our world. She was talking about how when she was little and they had bomb drills beccause of the constant threat of nuclear war because of the US's friction with the Soviet Union. She says though it was nothing like the shit that is going on today. And see, this scares me. What kind of world is my daughter going to grow up in? What is the state of this country going to be when my daughter is my age? I'm very scared for my daughter. I'm scared for myself as well, but more so for her and what she may have to face in her lifetime. Scary shit is going on in this world. From the fighting in Iraq, a war of which I do not believe in, however I will continue to support our troops, the maniac running North Korea with his missilles ready to take aim on us at any minute and now the all out war in Beruit and Isreal. I wonder what will become of all this.
See, shit like this scares the hell out of me. And it is one of those things where I have no control in whatever happens. It's here that I have to trust my faith in God and our country's leaders (and I have little faith there) that they will protect us. I have always been one to worry about things that I cannot control, which is the number one reason why I have an RX for Xanex. But this shit? This shit scares me more than anything.
What about ya'll? What are your thoughts on this?


Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

It is very scary, thinking what our kids and even worse, our grandkids will have to endure when they are growing up. IF this world is still around. I feel you.

Pass the Xanax over here.

7/17/2006 12:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I feel the SAME way you do girlie, the same EXACT way. I worry every minute and the what ifs are just horrible. And don't get me started on our government.

All joking aside for what this may sound like, within this next year we should meet up and party like it's our last party dontcha think??

7/17/2006 2:07 PM  
Blogger Greta Adams said...

it scares me but i have no control over it so i don't sit and think about it....i am really laid back when it comes to all that shit....
i would drive myself silly

7/17/2006 3:51 PM  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

There are times I think about it - but I try not to dwell on it. Those are the kinds of things that are completely out of my control and in those situations its best to let go and let God.

7/17/2006 11:33 PM  

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