Friday, June 30, 2006


And it's before a long weekend! woo-hoo! And for once, we have NOTHING planned (shhhhh..please don't tell anyone, they may find something for me to do). We are going to the Biscuits game tonight but other than that, it's a free weekend. I plan to spend some time at the pool and hopefully get the house cleaned up. I'd also like to get some scrapping done, but the hubster will be home as well so I don't know how much of that I will actually accomplish. I had originally thought that I would be the only one at home on Monday (and boy was I looking forward to THAT) however, after posting all week that they would only be closed on Tuesday, yesterday the Ladybug's daycare decided that they would be closed both Monday and Tuesday. SHIT. There goes my "me" day. Oh well, I am sure that the Ladybug and I will have a grand ol time. And it's not that I don't want to hang out with her. I just had a "me" day planned. And that'll be four days that she's not in daycare. Do you know what a bitch taking her back on Wednesday is going to be?
I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend. Please remember to say a special "Thank You" to all the men and women who are currently fighting or have faught to maintain our freedoms. We are so blessed to live in America, and regardless of your opinions on this war, those are our troops over there and we must support them. Enjoy your BBQ and please, drink a cold one for me (and I will do the same for you) and have a great time!
oh yeah....and I'm outta here until Wednesday! I'll catch up with all of ya'll then...and post some weekend pics....Have a great one!


Blogger chesneygirl said...

Too bad about your "me" day.
I think that's really crappy of your daycare to wait to the last minute to let you know they are going to be closed on Monday. What would you do if you didn't have the day off of work and now you had to scramble to find a sitter? PISSED is what I'd be!!! ...just sayin.

Anyway, enjoy your extra long weekend and you can sure bet I'll be drinkin' a cold one....or ten.;)

6/30/2006 9:48 AM  
Blogger Alli's Mom said...

Yeah, pissed is what I was too Chesney...I mean I'm lucky I had the day off, but another parent was left scrambling, in fact I might have her son for the day.....It was wrong! I'm glad we only have about 5 more weeks of them, they've been crappy as hell lately!

6/30/2006 9:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry you don't get your day! Make her cook! LOL!!

When do you want to have your weigh in with me?? I'm going this mornign because mine was cancelled yesterday due to flooding. So, I'll email you when I get back and tell you how I did.

My parents are having a party tomorrow and all the redneck family will be there, I'll take some pics of it! LOL!!! I'll drink a few for you.

We may be going to the Binghamton Mets game tonight as well! Not sure I really want to go, so many friggen people, it will be cooler tonight though so I won't be a sweltering mess. I have so much homework to do so I may send the kiddies off with the in-laws.....hee hee

6/30/2006 10:11 AM  
Blogger Greta Adams said...

i know about me day's ...definitly need though's every once in a while....

i'll guzzle a crown and diet coke for you but sista here don't drink beer...yucky!!

6/30/2006 11:33 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I don't get the long weekend...shed a tear for me. But i'm glad that you get your "free of anything to do" time. If your anything like me someone always finds something for me to do.

6/30/2006 12:54 PM  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh what a shame your me day was ruined.....I will be working (from home) and everyone (Mr. Cheeky and the kids) will be me day....but that is OK cause I am getting a looong me weekend in Charleston!!! And when I get back is a scrap a thon with my friend - wooohooo!

Have a wonderful holiday!!

6/30/2006 5:24 PM  

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