Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I've Been Tagged.....

By Chesney Girl to play along in the "Hi Fives" Meme. So here goes:

Five things in my purse / wallet:

1. Alabama Drivers License....and thank Gawd that expires in April 07, that picture is HORRIFIC!
2. Watermelon Bubble Gum (the Bugs favorite)
3. Fingernail file
4. trash (time to clean it out)
5. lipstick

Five things in my refrigerator:

1. 2% milk
2. apples
3. leftover chicken casserolle from last night (that I meant to bring for lunch today)
4. ketchup
5. beer

Five things in my closet:

1. Shoes, shoes and more shoes
2. Clothes, clothes and more clothes
3. purses I'm not currently using
4. Beach bags (I have like 6 of them)
5. does the shoe rack count?

Five things in my car:

1. Ladybug's car seat
2. CD's
3. Cell phone (and its 1000 degrees outside today, bright move on my part)
4. sunglasses
5. umbrella

Ok, so I tag Veronica, Greta, Elizabeth, Mommy off the Record and Christina the Wench....

Have fun!


Blogger chesneygirl said...

WOW!!!! That was fast!!!

Fun list! thanks for playing along! :)

7/18/2006 4:21 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

Oooh, thank you so much for the tag! I already did this one unfortunately... :( But I'm always up for a meme. Maybe next time?

7/18/2006 8:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I did it! check out my bloggy

7/19/2006 10:07 AM  

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