Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Mother In Law Hates Me....

Exhibit A:

Last week, we went over to my MIL's house, where she is in the process of redoing her bedroom (and it's tacky, but that's another story) so that the hubs could measure the room for some new carpet. I tagged along, because A: I hadn't seen my MIL in a while and I THOUGHT I would be nice and B: Frankly, I really had nothing better to do with my time and I wanted to make sure she didn't stuff my child full of candy (which she is famous for). While the Hubs and his Helper (aka the Ladybug) were measuring the room I was chatting with my MIL. She casually asked what the Easter Bunny was bringing the Ladybug. I told her that I had picked up a few things and that I had been to Walmart THAT AFTERNOON and bought the movie Chicken Little, which after the countless comercials for this thing my child was insisting that the Easter Bunny bring her. Note: I had already BOUGHT this movie, it was chilling in the trunk of my car.

The next night, the hubs and his helper went back to the MIL's house to take the carpet to her. I decided that since I had been visiting the night before, folding the laundry sounded like more fun. They were gone about an hour and when they FINALLY got home, not only was my child hopped up on sugar (the hubs seems to think it's ok if his mom indulges her.....) she was carrying the movie CHICKEN LITTLE. WTF? The MIL had gone out that day and bought the damn thing and then given it to my child. I was pissed! I could not believe (ok, actually it is very typical behavior for her) that she had done this shit! So now, I've got 2 copies of Chicken Little and what's more I have to RETURN one of them. I hate to return things. I returned hers, because frankly she payed more for it then I did, but I had to give the Ladybug her movie so now the Easter Bunny had to track down something else to put in the Easter Basket.

Here's what gets me.....the Hubs didn't get why I was so pissed off......WTF? I had to take a Zanex.......


Blogger michele said...

Don't let her get to you. She is going to be with you a very looooong time. After 18 years of marriage, I can tell you that the husband will never see anything wrong with his mom :-). They love their mom and expect you to be accomodating. Easiest thing to do is never give her any information she can use to her advantage.

4/12/2006 4:18 PM  

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